Become an AI-Powered
Future-Ready Software Developer

08 Sep, Friday

06:00pm - 07:00pm

Become an AI-Powered <br/><b>Future-Ready Software Developer </b>

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About the event

Become an AI-Powered Software Developer


Wondering about the next 'big thing' in tech? Without a doubt, it’s Artificial Intelligence. But, are you up for it? Do you know how to leverage AI to boost your career? Join Rajat Dhariwal (SVP Curriculum, Masai), Ex-Amazon, an alumnus of IIT Bombay & Carnegie Mellon, as he reveals how to become a future-ready AI-Powered Software Developer and launch your career in tech. Secure your spot and step closer to your dream tech career.

Know your speaker


Rajat Dhariwal

Rajat Dhariwal, SVP Curriculum at Masai School, is an IIT Bombay and Carnegie Mellon graduate with a rich history in tech innovation. From launching the revolutionary SuperSuit to making significant strides at Amazon, his endeavors always echo his commitment to education and technology.

Rajat Dhariwal

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