The Masai School Glossary

Heard of a term and are not sure what it means? 
The Masai School Glossary serves as a guide for quick references. 
Have a recommendation for a term to add to the list? 
Share it with us via the /help-desk command on Slack/Cliq.

/help-deskThe way to contact the Masai School staff with non-classwork related queries. Help Desk serves as the main point of contact to receive feedback, ask general questions, and to reach out for any assistance.
20 Minute RuleIf a student stuck is on a particular thing for 20 minutes or more, he or she should immediately ask for help.
@channelThe Slack command that is to be used only by Instructors and Staff. The @channel command notifies everyone in the channel and sends an alert to a user’s desktop, and often, the personal cell phone.
AsyncThe policy at Masai School that ensures that a student develops full mastery over the content. If a student is asynced, he or she will repeat the entire unit’s content.
CodetalkerPresentations and Sessions on special topics, delivered by Industry leaders. These can be found on Slack or Cliq in #codetalker. 
Construct WeekThe project week with a duration of 7 days, to be completed by students in collaboration with their peers.
DS and AlgoOften used to refer to Data Structures and Algorithms.
FSWDOften used to refer to the Full Stack Web Development track.
Pay After Placement(PAP)PAP is the way to pay your Masai School tuition fee. The Masai PAP is a contract under which you agree to pay a percentage of your salary after graduating from Masai school, for a set number of months. The PAP is activated only once you start earning more than INR 5LPA. It is capped at a maximum repayment amount, which means you will not have to pay more than this cap under any circumstances.
Industry MentorStudents are matched 1:1 with software professionals who currently work in the tech industry and will meet virtually once in every week for a total of 8 weeks.
Instructional Associate (IA)IAs are aligned as the most important support system for students and their learning during their time at Masai. Each IA will be working with about 35-40 students and helps them in resolving doubts and problem solving classes, code reviews, and standups.
IWY LoopThe acronym for ‘I do. We do. You do.’ The standard teaching process for how Masai facilitates student learning.
LO (Learning Objective)Each LO consists of several micro objectives a student needs to master and also generates a one-day assignment for the student to work on.
Masai AccreditationA process through which Masai School certifies a student as fully career-ready and ready to graduate.
Masai LaunchThe orientation process for new students that is designed to welcome them and set them up for success at Masai School.
PSC (Problem Solving Classes)Classes conducted by Masai School’s IAs or Instructors to help with the assignments not solved by majority of the students.
ScrumMorning Scrum session conducted by Masai School’s CTO to discuss the topics to be covered for the day. It starts at 9 AM sharp, every day.
Slack/CliqThe main communication tools for all the students, staff and instructors.
SprintEach sprint consists of four LOs and one sprint evaluation. A sprint is equivalent to one entire week in the full-time program.
Sprint Evaluation (SE)An assessment tool that happens at the end of each sprint, which is intended to measure whether or not a student has mastered the objectives for that particular sprint.
Student OperationsA dedicated team from the Masai School team who will solely focus on supporting the students through their Masai journey.
Thrive ProgramA comprehensive program facilitated by Masai School instructors once the students graduate and are ready for placements. Thrive is fundamentally an ongoing revision plan till the time students get a job offer or more. 
Unit1 Unit = 4 Sprints + 1 Construct Week
ZoomOne of the primary video communication tools for all the students, staff, and instructors. Zoom is video conferencing software.
StandupEvening scrum by the IAs to go over the challenges faced by students within the assignment for the day. It happens at 7pm daily.