Mastering DBMS Interviews: Key Questions and Best Answers


Data plays a pivotal role within any organization, serving as the lifeblood akin to that within the human body. Just as our bodily functions rely on blood, the existence of any organization is contingent upon data. To dissect and draw meaningful insights from this data, organizations necessitate the utilization of Database Management Systems (DBMS). In the contemporary market landscape, an astounding 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated daily.

Consequently, proficient Database Administrators (DBAs) are essential for companies to manage this voluminous data effectively. If embarking on a career as a DBA holds appeal, this article offers a compendium of frequently encountered questions with sample answers to assist in successfully navigating DBMS interviews. Delve into this resource to enhance your preparation for forthcoming DBMS interviews with sample answers.

Key Questions and Best Answers for DBMS Interviews

What are the benefits of using a Database Management System (DBMS)?

Answer: The advantages of utilizing a DBMS encompass the following aspects:

  • Data Sharing: Multiple users can concurrently access data from a shared database.
  • Integrity Constraints: These constraints ensure that data is stored in a well-defined manner within the database.
  • Redundancy Control DBMS facilitates controlling data redundancy by centralizing all data into a single database.
  • Data Independence: Changes to data structure can be made without disrupting the functionality of active application programs.
  • Backup and Recovery: DBMS offers automatic data backup and restoration capabilities for enhanced data security.

What levels of abstraction exist in a DBMS?

Answer: In a DBMS, there are three distinct levels of data abstraction:

  • Physical Level: This is the lowest abstraction level, focusing on the actual storage structure of the data.
  • Logical Level: Positioned above the Physical level, the Logical level defines the stored data and establishes relationships between data elements.
  • View Level: The highest abstraction level is the View level, which presents a partial perspective of the complete database.

What do the ACID properties represent in the context of DBMS?

Answer: ACID properties within DBMS encompass Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These principles are vital for ensuring data transaction reliability in a database system.

  • Atomicity: Transactions are either entirely successful or fully unsuccessful. Each transaction represents a single logical data operation. If any part fails, the entire transaction is unsuccessful, and the database remains unchanged.
  • Consistency: Data must adhere to all validation rules. A transaction cannot leave the database incomplete; it must reach a consistent state.
  • Isolation: Concurrency control is key. Multiple transactions can be processed concurrently without affecting each other's outcomes.
  • Durability: Committed transactions have permanent effects, regardless of subsequent circumstances. Changes made by committed transactions persist in the database.

What is SQL?

Answer: SQL is a Structured Query Language that serves as the foundational language for relational databases, facilitating the management and retrieval of data.

What does the term "CLAUSE" signify in SQL?

Answer: The clause is a built-in function of SQL. Clauses like having and where are used to get data depending on specific credentials.

Can you explain the concept of a sub-query within SQL?

Answer:  A sub-query refers to a query encompassed within another query. It's also known as an inner query within an outer query. This mechanism enables you to efficiently retrieve data by nesting queries and utilizing their results in a more complex operation.

What does the term "3NF" stand for in the context of DBMS?

Answer: In DBMS, "3NF" refers to the Third Normal Form. A table is classified as being in 3NF if it satisfies two specific conditions:

1. It is already in 2NF.

2. Each non-prime attribute of the table is non-transitively dependent on all keys within that table.

Could you please elucidate the concepts of super, primary, candidate, and foreign keys in a database context?

  • Super Key: This term pertains to a set of attributes within a relation schema, and it forms the foundation upon which all attributes in the schema are functionally reliant. The distinctiveness of super key attributes ensures that no two rows can share identical values in these attributes.
  • Candidate Key: A candidate key represents a minimal form of a super key. This means that no proper subset of attributes from a candidate key can serve as a super key. Candidate keys are the most compact and unique keys within a schema.
  • Primary Key: One is designated the primary key from the array of candidate keys. It is of paramount importance and becomes the central key for identification purposes. It is important to note that each table can possess only a singular primary key.
  • Foreign Key: Within one table, a foreign key is a field or a collection of fields uniquely identifying a row in another table. This is a pivotal tool for establishing relationships and maintaining data integrity across multiple tables.

What distinguishes primary keys from unique constraints?

Answer: Primary keys prohibit NULL values, while unique constraints allow NULL values. A table contains only one primary key but can have multiple unique constraints.

Explain the disparities among DDL, DML, and DCL in SQL.

Answer: DDL (Data Definition Language) involves CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE, and RENAME queries. DML (Data Manipulation Language) encompasses SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE queries. DCL (Data Control Language) covers GRANT and REVOKE queries.

Elaborate on the disparities between HAVING and WHERE clauses.

Answer: HAVING sets conditions for groups or aggregate functions in a SELECT statement operating after grouping. WHERE operates before grouping and selecting rows. WHERE cannot contain aggregate functions, unlike HAVING.

Define Identity in databases.

Answer: Identity, also known as AutoNumber, generates numeric values automatically. It can have set start and increment values. GUID columns also generate numbers but lack controllability. Identity/GUID columns don't necessarily need indexing.

What is an SQL view, and how is it created?

Answer: An SQL view is a virtual table derived from the result set of an SQL statement.

To create a view, use the syntax:

CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition

Explain the differences between Triggers and Stored Procedures.

Answer: Differences between Triggers and Stored Procedures:

  • Triggers are specialized stored procedures triggered by specific events, whereas stored procedures are reusable groups of SQL statements.
  • Triggers fire automatically on event occurrence; users can't directly execute them. Stored procedures can be executed using the 'exec' command.
  • Triggers can't be scheduled; stored procedures can be scheduled for predefined times.
  • Triggers can't call other triggers directly; stored procedures can call other stored procedures.
  • Triggers can't accept parameters; stored procedures can take parameters as input.
  • Triggers can't return values; stored procedures can return multiple values.
  • Transactions are disallowed in triggers; transactions can be used in stored procedures.

The Bottom Line

Database Administrators (DBAs) remain integral to the efficient functioning of any modern organization. Given the central importance of databases in managing and organizing crucial business data, possessing a strong skill set in Database Management Systems (DBMS) through top data science courses in India becomes imperative for individuals aspiring to excel in their careers, especially when navigating the rigorous landscape of job interviews.

By familiarizing themselves with the intricacies of DBMS and honing their expertise in this domain, aspiring candidates equip themselves with a competitive edge in the job market. These interview questions, meticulously curated to gauge foundational knowledge and practical understanding, are potent tools for novice candidates looking to make a strong impression during entry-level interviews.


1. What is the significance of mastering DBMS for interviews?

Developing expertise in Database Management Systems (DBMS) is crucial for interviews as it demonstrates your ability to handle critical data effectively, a fundamental requirement for many roles.

2. How can mastering DBMS enhance interview performance?

A strong understanding of DBMS concepts showcases your technical proficiency and problem-solving skills, making you a desirable candidate for data management and analysis positions.

3. What are some key questions to focus on while preparing for DBMS interviews?

Concentrate on core DBMS concepts like normalization, indexing, SQL queries, transaction management, and data integrity to ensure you're well-prepared to tackle various technical questions.

4. Are practical skills as important as theoretical knowledge in DBA interviews?

Absolutely, practical skills are highly valued. Demonstrating hands-on experience with popular database systems and tools will validate your theoretical knowledge and make you stand out during interviews.

5. How can I best prepare for DBA interviews?

Engage in hands-on practice, work on real-world projects, and solve practice problems to solidify your understanding. Additionally, rehearsing common interview questions and scenarios will help you respond confidently during the interview process.