Becoming A Programmer Was A Dream Long-Due For Rahul

The highlight for him was its ISA, which required the students to only pay the fee only after landing a job of more than Rs.5,00,000 per annum.

Becoming A Programmer Was A Dream Long-Due For Rahul

This Is How He Made It Come True

Not all journeys start with brilliance and sparkle but some lead to them and such is the journey of Rahul Pandey. Born and brought up in Ranchi, Jharkhand, he was an average student in school and was mostly into sports and athletics until class 9th. 

His love for computers began in class 10th, where he was both interested and curious about learning how technology could change the world. As a result, he opted for Computer Science in the non-medical stream in class 11th, where he learned Java and other computer languages. 

Interestingly, during this time, he also developed a fondness for writing poetry and realized that it further fueled his passion for programming- hitting him with new patterns and perceptions which completely revolutionized his mind, just like that of a software engineer. 

Consequently, he pursued Engineering in Computer Science during his graduation, where he proved to be one of the brightest students who had always had a thirst for knowledge. Undoubtedly, he enjoyed every bit of learning and growing during his college. 

However, his happiness wasn’t long-lived.  

While Rahul was passionate about his vocation, he faced a lot of struggles when it came to acquiring a job for himself. Even after clearing all the written tests and other requirements, he somehow could not clear the interview rounds. His nervousness and lack of communication skills stopped him from speaking his mind. In addition to this, he also understood that the curriculum followed at his college didn’t cover certain programming skills that are relevant to current industry standards. 

His level of confidence naturally dropped and soon enough, the fear of rejection covered his mind. He started looking for more opportunities online with a heavy heart and came across Masai School one day while scrolling randomly.  

He was instantly attracted to the opportunity that Masai School was providing, which was to learn the best skills regarding new trends in software and programming without paying anything upfront. The highlight for him was its ISA, which required the students to only pay the fee only after landing a job of more than Rs.5,00,000 per annum. The major reason for availing of this opportunity for him was simple- he had nothing to lose if nothing to gain. He joined without further ado.

The Nine-to-Nine schedule proved to be a completely new thing for Rahul, but it was the interview that made him truly nervous (for obvious reasons). Unlike other interviews, this one was not based on his skills but his understanding of fundamentals- which was always his strong point. Clearing the entrance interview was a winning moment for him as this was his first.

After becoming a member of the Masai family, he realised that he was in the first batch and didn’t have any previous success story to refer to; so he decided to write his own success story. Apart from working on polishing his programming skills for Python and MongoDB, he also improved his communication skills, developed his personality in a better direction and built up the confidence that he never had before. 

He never limited his efforts due to time constraints and always made sure to give his best. From staying back the whole night to learn more and enjoying meals that Nrupal would sometimes cook for them, he finally understood what ‘belongingness’ truly means. He says: 

“I was given the space to develop my own problem-solving methods. Our mentors guided us in a way that prepared us to face the corporate world with ease. Currently, I work at Global Logic in Hyderabad and I feel utterly grateful to Masai School and all the mentors for helping me reach where I am today.”

Even during the pandemic of Covid-19, Rahul still continues to develop and polish his skills and is also supported well by his mentors like Ankur and Yogesh. This is one of his favourite quotes given by Yogesh: 

“You can never learn how to swim just by reading a book- you can always learn a lot of things by watching a YouTube video but in the end, it’s your experience in doing it yourself that will teach you the skill.”