9 Interesting Applications of IoT

The Internet of Things is poised to create life-changing circumstances in our lives, both professionally and personally.

Internet of Things has given rise to many interesting applications that has made our lives easier and simpler
The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding as a result of increased internet usage

The Internet of Things is a world in which objects, animals, and people are given unique identities, and data is transferred across a network without the assistance of human or computer interaction that enables us to have seamless communication between people, processes, and things.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding as a result of increased internet usage, technological advancement, and low connection costs. It aids in connecting any device to the internet by providing an on/off switch. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of everyday objects that are linked to the internet.

IoT is no longer science fiction. The capabilities of internet connectivity have expanded beyond smartphones and computers. With the internet, physical objects can now record, monitor, and exchange data with minimal human intervention. Today, we'll look at the ten best Internet of things (IoT) applications that are revolutionising various industries.

Building and Home automation

Among the IoT applications on this list, smart homes are the most popular. Smart homes control home appliances such as lights, alarms, and water flow from faucets, while also promoting home security and safety through sophisticated, smart security systems.

Smart homes enable homeowners to control and monitor home processes using their smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers. Assume you forgot to turn off your oven; you might be able to do so using your phone.

Smart homes enable you to manage all of your home devices from a single location.


The digital war - Alexa vs Google Home

Yes, Google and Amazon have been raging war against each other since 2019 vying for control of our living spaces, playing songs of our choice, making phone calls, cracking jokes, and every other thing that could possibly win our hearts. But if we keep the rivalry aside it is worthwhile to note that both of these devices run by IoT have made our lives easier.

Taking the help of these devices it is now possible for humans to turn on lights, fans, and other electronic devices by the verbal execution of simple single commands.

A smart home is a house that uses internet-connected devices to allow for remote monitoring and management.
The IoT based Home Automation system aims to control all smart home's devices via the internet.

Source: Freepik

Smart Cities

A smart city, also known as a "City of the Future," is a popular internet of things application concept that classifies technology as being responsible for improving urban infrastructure to make cities more efficient, less expensive, and more pleasant to live in. It also aims to boost economic growth and contribute to environmental sustainability.

The concept of "Smart City" addresses planning and public administration through creative and sustainable service automation. Many sectors, including government services, transportation, and traffic management, energy, healthcare, water, innovative urban agriculture, and waste management, benefit from smart cities.


While New York does not rank as high as one might expect on the IMD list of smart cities, it is widely regarded as one of the world's smartest cities.

Hundreds of smart sensors have been installed throughout New York City's various districts as part of the city's smart city pilot project in 2020.

The police department has tested web-based software from HunchLab that predicts and responds to crime by using historical crime data, terrain modelling, and other information. The experiment resulted in a significant decrease in violent crime.


Wearables are electronic devices that a person wears to reliably transmit critical medical,  biological, and exercise data to a database(often close to the skin).

Although the Apple Watch and Fitbit are iconic examples of wearable technology, other gadgets are also being created at the moment. We are moving toward a more connected lifestyle thanks to a range of devices, including smartwatches, VR, AR, intelligent coats, and many others.

Wearable technology is likely to benefit the healthcare sector the most. Patients who wear these intelligent gadgets can monitor data such as blood pressure and body temperature, which is subsequently transmitted in real time to their medical staff.

Doctors can detect and treat patients more quickly and accurately if something seems awry. Thanks to the data gathered by a wearable device, the entire treatment procedure is now shorter because doctors no longer need to perform a battery of tests to diagnose an ailment or sickness.


Diane Feenstra a woman from Michigan felt blessed to have come across a device as good as Apple Watch that alerted her about her abnormally high heart rate. On April 22, 2021, Diane saw an unusually high heartbeat reading of 169 bpm on her Apple Watch.

Highly concerned about the state of her health, she called her husband, who then asked her to rush to the hospital.

Upon her arrival at the hospital, doctors performed an EKG, which revealed that she had recently suffered a heart attack but was unaware of it.

She underwent additional tests shortly after her EKG, which revealed she had an artery blockage. To treat the condition, she needed a stent procedure and is now leading a healthy life.

Wearable technology has advanced to the point where it has penetrated new markets, allowing humans to improve their daily lives.
Wearables are becoming a more important component of IoT.

Source: RSSB


By the year 2050, the demand for food is predicted to increase by 70%. Traditional agricultural practices seem ill-equipped with resources to scale for the future. Following are the major challenges that the agricultural sector seems to be facing in recent times.

  • The gradual depletion of the agricultural workforce
  • Depleting resources
  • Environmental changes such as global warming
  • Absence of proper monitoring methods

The alarming rate of depletion of the agricultural workforce is widening the gap between the demand and supply of food resources; hence, the challenge of feeding approximately 10 billion mouths by the year 2050 seems inevitable.

All thanks to technology, the marriage of the Internet of Things (IoT) and agriculture can help turn the tide in our favor.

The future of agriculture seems bright with IoT. Following are the ways IoT is revolutionising agriculture:

Availability of real-time data: With the use of motion detectors, light detectors, and motion sensors, it is now easy to gather real-time farm data such as soil moisture content, the amount of sunlight received, soil’s water retention capacity, etc. It helps farmers keep track of their crops and regulate practices if the need arises.

Climate conditions: Climate has a significant impact on agriculture. Modern IoT solutions, such as sensors, can collect climate data such as humidity, rainfall, temperature, and more with pinpoint accuracy. This level of real-time weather information can be extremely beneficial to farmers. They can use this information to select the best crops for the harvesting season and maximise their revenue.

Smart greenhouses: The Internet of Things has paved the way for smarter greenhouses. It is now possible to automatically regulate the temperature of greenhouses to a level conducive to crop growth, reducing the need for human intervention while also making the entire process cost-effective and accurate.


CropX creates IoT soil sensors that measure soil moisture, temperature, and electric conductivity, allowing farmers to tailor their approach to each crop's specific needs. When combined with geospatial data, this technology aids in the creation of precise soil maps for each field.

IoT solutions are aimed at assisting farmers in closing the supply-demand gap by ensuring high yields, profitability, and environmental protection.
IoT has the potential to transform agriculture in a variety of ways.


Health Care

The growing popularity of IoT has made life easier and longer for people suffering from diseases. It is a significant change from the days when patients' interactions with doctors were limited to visits and phone and text communication. Previously, doctors could not continuously monitor their patient's health and make appropriate recommendations.

However, with the help of IoT, this is no longer the case. It is very simple to keep track of patients in real-time, which opens the door to keeping patients safe and healthy for a longer period of time.

With the help of wearables such as glucometers, and heart rate monitoring cuffs it is now easier to provide personalised attention to patients.

Since these devices collect personal information on a daily basis it becomes easy for physicians, and doctors to gather information about a person’s lifestyle and suggest remedies or inculcate healthy habits accordingly.


Patients can now swallow devices with pill-shaped sensors. When the sensors are ingested, they send data to a patient's mobile app, which assists them in sticking to medication dosages. The majority of medications are not taken as directed due to forgetfulness. This ingestible sensor ensures that patients are taking the correct medications at the correct time and in the correct dosages.

The Internet of Things allows healthcare providers to expand their reach beyond the traditional clinical setting.
The use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare makes it smarter, faster, and more accurate.

Source: Daffodil Software


The coalescence of IoT in the automotive industry has opened doors for better fleet management and manufacturing processes all over the world.

The interesting thing to note here is that IoT comes in handy at both the industrial as well as commercial levels in the automotive industry.

Better fleet management: With the help of IoT it is now possible for truck drivers to manage not just weight but also assess weather conditions, get a better idea of the route, assess performance in real-time, manage time and get a better idea of the traffic conditions that lie ahead.


Connected cars: Autonomous vehicles are a hot topic among car manufacturers. Various automakers are now attempting to develop vehicles that will take over all driving functions from the driver.

Semi-autonomous vehicles, on the other hand, assist drivers with driving, braking, parking, and commuting. Semi-autonomous cars with IoT infusion make decisions on the go while partially controlling vehicle operations to avoid accidents and reduce the driver's workload. Cars now have embedded IoT systems to detect proximity sensors and with the help of cameras, they are now able to reduce human error and make driving more comfortable and safe.

IoT technology connects vehicles and resources through powerful and flexible solutions, allowing them to exploit information generated by various sources.
The Internet of Things has enabled significant transformation in the automotive industry.

Source: Technology Innovators

Smart Supply Chain

The supply chain management industry is one that has fully tapped into the potential of IoT. The introduction of IoT has significantly reduced the need for human intervention. People in supply chain management can now easily track the location of goods, accurately predict the time of product delivery, and monitor the condition of products stored in warehouses.

It is now possible to easily locate goods stored in warehouses. When data analytics capabilities enter the picture, it becomes easier to predict to plan delivery routes by taking into account historical data related to traffic, weather conditions, accidents, and other factors that may cause delays.


Previously, Amazon employees had to roam around on warehouse floors scanning for each product. Now, with the use of Wi-Fi-connected robots, it is easier to identify and ascertain a product’s location in a warehouse by just reading the QR codes with built-in cameras.

With an AI system in place, it is now easy to determine which products should be prioritised for Amazon Prime orders, and the robots do the rest. Workers can focus on packaging an order or restocking shelves while this is going on.

Innovative businesses are using IoT devices to transform complex supply chains into fully connected networks.
With IoT, supply chain networks around the world are undergoing unprecedented change.

Source: ZF Press

Industrial Automation

The sole focus of IoT in industries is to reduce human intervention. With control systems that are driven by data, it is now possible to automatically run industrial machines and processes.

With the increasing number of IoT devices, the need for human intervention is only going to decrease further in the future and lead to the development of systems that are effective affordable, and flexible to industrial needs.

Connecting industrial equipment (e.g., PLCs, robots, actuators, sensors) to the cloud and sharing real-time data can have a significant impact on efficiency, production, and uptime, as well as aiding in the development of next-generation machines.


Caterpillar has long been a leader in the Internet of Things projects. Recently, the company, now known as "Cat," has been displaying the fruits of its investments in IoT technology. Consider how it is utilising IoT and augmented reality (AR) applications to provide machine operators with an instant view of everything from fuel levels to when air filters need to be replaced. If an old filter expires, the company can send basic replacement instructions via an AR app.

Industrial automation can be used to create an integrated production system that reduces quality parameters while increasing productivity.
IoT-enabled industrial automation combines computers and robotics to enable machines to operate at a faster and more precise rate than human operators.

Source: USC Consulting Group

Manufacturing processes

With the coming of IoT, there has been a shift in paradigm in the manufacturing landscape. Industries are now able to transform their entire manufacturing processes with the help of innovation brought in by IoT.

When data analytics and IoT join hands, they create wonders. Following is a rundown:

  • Predicting malfunctions
  • Higher margins and customer satisfaction levels
  • Operational Intelligence
  • Boosts Quality
  • Improved Production Planning and Scheduling
  • Better Plant Safety and Security

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a platform that connects the virtual and real worlds through RFID, sensors, AI, connectivity, and communication devices. All of this helps people improve their lives and helps businesses improve their practices.

However, the need for IoT will only grow over time as people strive for a better life than they had the day before, and IoT will only help improve. It will also contribute to the state's and firms' economic improvement. As a result, IoT is more than just a way to communicate without human intervention; it is a way of life in and of itself.


Airbus has launched the Factory of the Future digital manufacturing initiative to streamline operations and increase production capacity. The company has integrated sensors into shop-floor tools and machines, as well as provided workers with wearable technology, such as industrial smart glasses, to reduce errors and improve workplace safety. Wearables enabled a 500% increase in productivity while nearly eliminating errors in one procedure known as cabin-seat marking.

IoT in manufacturing is white-hot in the manufacturing landscape.
Business leaders are witnessing a new wave of technological change as a result of IoT.

Source: NRTC Automation