5 Skills to Help Anyone Get Placed in Top Tech Companies

Discover the top 5 skills you need to land a job at a leading tech company. From expertise in data structures to adaptability and communication, this article reveals the secrets to success in the ever-evolving world of technology.

The world of technology is rapidly evolving, and so are the skills required to excel in it. As the demand for tech professionals grows, so does the competition for top jobs at leading tech companies. It takes more than just technical knowledge to land your dream job in tech. Employers are looking for well-rounded candidates with a range of skills that go beyond coding and programming.

According to a recent survey by LinkedIn, employers are seeking candidates with a combination of technical and soft skills. The top skills sought after by tech companies include elements of creativity, adaptability, problem-solving, and communication skills, in addition to technical expertise.

In this article, we will explore the five essential skills you need to acquire to increase your chances of getting hired by top tech companies.

Following is a list of 5 skills that will help you stand out from the competition and showcase your value to potential employers.

  • Expertise in Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Resourcefulness and problem-solving
  • In-depth knowledge of a single programming language
  • Confidence
  • Leadership

So if you're ready to take your tech career to the next level, keep reading to discover the five essential skills you need to succeed in the competitive world of tech.

Expertise in Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms are fundamental concepts in the field of programming that puts to test the problem-solving abilities of programmers and the efficiency of the programmer in resolving programming issues.

A majority of the top tech companies in the world are software product based, i.e, they build software. People hired to work at these companies would be required to head the development process. And this is something that cannot be assessed by merely taking a look at the resume and hence the DSA test.

Source: Side Team

In addition to the above, the following are a few reasons top tech companies put a candidate’s DSA knowledge to the test-

  • Problem-Solving: DSA is a crucial aspect of problem-solving, and it is important to have a solid foundation in DSA to tackle complex programming challenges.
  • Code Optimisation: DSA enables developers to write optimised code that runs faster and takes less memory. It is a vital skill that top tech companies look for in their employees.
  • Efficient coding: Knowing DSA helps programmers write efficient code, which means faster execution of applications and better performance.
  • Interview Performance: Many top tech companies have a rigorous interview process that tests a candidate's knowledge of DSA. Having a good understanding of DSA can help you perform better in these interviews and increase your chances of getting hired.
  • Adaptability: Proficiency in DSA makes it easier to learn new programming languages and frameworks quickly. This ability to adapt and learn new skills quickly is highly valued in the tech industry.

In conclusion, having a good understanding of DSA would help programmers

  • build robust and scalable software applications,
  • solve complex programming problems efficiently,
  • write clean code

Mastering DSA will not only boost your career prospects but also enhance your problem-solving skills and ability to learn new programming languages and frameworks.

More than 40% of Masai students come from a non-tech background and walk out with a high-paying tech job. How do they master web development? They start with DSA, form a strong base, and then go on to learn programming languages. If you are someone who is looking out for a career in tech or wants to make the big switch, we suggest, you wait no more. Enroll for our courses. Our next batch starts very soon. Visit this link to apply.

Resourcefulness and Problem-Solving

Top tech companies are always looking for talented problem solvers who can contribute to the creation of cutting-edge goods and innovations.

Develop your problem-solving abilities if you're an engineer hoping to work for one of the FAANG companies, not only so you can ace their technical interviews but also so you can help them along the way.

You may wonder how these skills are described. Your capacity to identify patterns, integrate various ideas, and provide solutions to challenging problems is what makes up your problem-solving abilities.

When it comes to passing the coding interviews at these prestigious tech companies, having strong problem-solving abilities will enable you to answer inquiries that you haven't exactly encountered before. It takes a lot of constant experimeMnetnting and solving a variety of problems to identify and determine largely inherent patterns in order to improve your problem-solving abilities.

What you should aim for in order to solve problems? Here are a few things you can do.

Mental Discipline: It's common to think of problem-solving as a long-drawn, fruitless experimentation process. As a result, you must aim to lengthen your periods of concentration and accept failure as you search for the best approach to take when solving a problem. This can only be the outcome of countless hours of thorough coding practice.

Emotional Attitude: A person's emotional state of mind plays a big role in their ability to solve problems. Let's use the fundamental distinctions between mountaineering and working out in a gym as an example in this regard. Results from mountaineering and gym workouts are different. Regular gym use won't allow you to immediately begin climbing challenging mountain peaks. First, you'll need to conquer less difficult peaks to learn how to manage your energy before tackling the more difficult ones. Problem-solving in a similar way follows an almost identical logic in that you can only solve the most difficult problems with consistent effort and practice.

These steps can be used to learn the art of problem-solving:

  • By thoroughly understanding the fundamentals of computing.
  • By understanding the methods used by others to solve particular issues.
  • By regularly communicating with classmates and teachers to improve your coding skills

Keep in mind that solving problems is a journey. You'll frequently feel clueless at first. But if you keep the faith, you can learn clever methods for spotting patterns and categorising issues based on underlying patterns in order to solve them without difficulty.

In-depth knowledge of a single programming language

This is what in-depth knowledge of a single programming language brings to the table.

  • Specialisation: Top tech companies often look for specialists who deeply understand a particular programming language. By having in-depth knowledge of a single language, you can position yourself as an expert, which can be valuable to companies seeking to fill specialised roles.
  • Efficiency: Having in-depth knowledge of a single programming language can make you more efficient at writing code. You can write better-quality code in less time, which can be a significant advantage in the fast-paced tech industry.
  • Interoperability: Many programming languages can be used together, and knowing how to integrate different languages can be valuable to tech companies. In-depth knowledge of a single language can help you understand how it interacts with other languages and systems.

In-depth knowledge of a single programming language brings in the element of versatility. It can serve as a foundation to learn other programming languages more easily.

In a nutshell, it helps top tech giants pivot a programmer’s skills and later draw a candidate’s growth trajectory. An absence of the element of versatility in candidates would be of no help in letting recruiters know the long-term benefits of hiring the candidate and as such may lead to not-so-positive results.

So pick up a programming language and get obsessed with it.  

Adaptability and Learning Agility in the Tech Industry

In the dynamic and constantly changing realm of the tech sector, adaptability and learning agility aren't merely attractive skills—they are essential qualities that distinguish you as a highly sought-after candidate among premier tech firms. Let's explore the significance of these traits and discover effective methods for showcasing them.

The Need for Adaptability:

Rapid Technological Advancements: The tech industry is characterised by its relentless pace of innovation. New programming languages, frameworks, tools, and methodologies emerge frequently. Staying relevant requires tech professionals to adapt to these changes swiftly.

Shifting Market Demands: Tech companies often pivot their strategies in response to changing market demands. For example, the surge in remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic led to a heightened demand for cloud computing and collaboration tools. Adaptability allows professionals to align with these shifts.

Diverse Project Requirements: Within tech companies, projects can vary greatly regarding technology stack, scope, and objectives. Being adaptable enables individuals to transition seamlessly between different projects and contribute effectively to each one.

Learning Agility:

Continuous Learning: The tech industry thrives on the concept of continuous learning. As technologies evolve, so must your skills. Learning agility involves acquiring new knowledge and being open to unlearning outdated practices.

Problem-Solving: New challenges arise regularly in tech roles. Learning agility empowers you to approach these challenges with a growth mindset, seeking innovative solutions and drawing from a broad knowledge base.

Demonstrating Adaptability and Learning Agility:

Highlight Past Experiences: During interviews, recount instances where you've had to adapt to changing circumstances or quickly acquire new skills. Discuss projects where you've demonstrated your ability to learn on the fly and adapt to evolving requirements.

Share Personal Growth Stories: Narrate your journey of self-improvement and how you've cultivated adaptability. Discuss how you've sought out learning opportunities independently through online courses, coding boot camps, or attending industry conferences.

Showcase Certifications: Earning relevant certifications is a tangible way to demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning. Certificates from reputable organisations validate your skills and show that you're up-to-date with industry standards.

Emphasise Soft Skills: Adaptability and learning agility aren't just about technical prowess. Soft skills like problem-solving, resilience, and working effectively under pressure are equally vital. Provide examples that showcase your soft skills in action.

Mention Side Projects: If you've undertaken personal coding projects or contributed to open-source initiatives, highlight these as evidence of your passion for learning and adaptability. Discuss how you tackled challenges and learned new technologies during these projects.

Discuss Courses and Workshops: Mention any workshops, online courses, or additional education you've pursued. Whether it's a machine learning course or a UX/UI design workshop, these endeavours illustrate your commitment to staying current.

Describe Challenging Situations: Describe times when you encountered unexpected obstacles or faced a steep learning curve. Explain how you overcame these challenges through determination and rapid skill acquisition.

Show Your Growth: Share how you've progressed in your career. Discuss your evolution from a junior developer to a lead role or how you've expanded your skill set to include different programming languages or domains.


Confidence is an important trait to possess when seeking employment in the tech industry. Here are some reasons why confidence is important in securing jobs at top tech companies:

  • Conveyance of ideas properly: Top tech companies often look for candidates who can communicate well and confidently with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. Having confidence can help you convey your ideas and opinions clearly and effectively, which can make a positive impression on interviewers and hiring managers.
  • Demonstration of competence: Confidence is a sign of competence, and top tech companies want to hire candidates who are confident in their abilities. Employers want to see that you believe in yourself and your abilities and that you are not afraid to take on challenges.
  • Leadership: Confidence is often seen as a characteristic of effective leaders. By exhibiting confidence in your abilities and ideas, you can demonstrate leadership potential that may be attractive to top tech companies.

By showcasing your confidence, you are demonstrating your natural ability to be a team player and leader. This will leave a positive impression on others, showing that you have the potential to be a strong asset to any team or organisation.

However, even if you are not confident in every situation, it is important to recognise that confidence is a skill that can be developed and strengthened over time. With the right mindset and practice, anyone can improve their confidence and become a more effective communicator and leader.

Communication skills

In the tech industry, effective communication skills are important for a variety of reasons. Firstly, a collaboration between teams is crucial, and good communication helps ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

  • Additionally, since many tech companies work with non-technical clients, being able to explain technical concepts in a way that is easy to understand is important for building trust and positive relationships.
  • Furthermore, the ability to pitch ideas effectively can make a significant difference in securing funding or buy-in from management or investors.
  • Good communication is also a key component of leadership, as it helps leaders communicate their vision and motivate their team to achieve goals.
  • Lastly, conflicts can arise in any workplace, and good communication skills can help navigate these conflicts and find resolutions that are satisfactory to all parties involved.

Therefore, having strong communication skills is essential for securing jobs at top tech companies, as it can help facilitate teamwork, build positive relationships with clients, secure funding, demonstrate leadership potential, and resolve conflicts.

Technical skills, communication skills, problem-solving skills, leadership, communication, and confidence are all crucial for success in the tech industry. By honing these skills and continuously learning and improving, you can position yourself as a top candidate for some of the most prestigious tech companies in the world.

However, it's important to remember that skills alone are not enough to guarantee success. You also need to have a positive attitude, work ethic and drive to constantly improve and innovate. By combining these qualities with the essential skills outlined in this article, you can take your tech career to new heights and achieve your goals in the ever-evolving and exciting world of technology.

A few more resources to help you out-

  1. 7 Internship Tips to Grab a Full-Time Offer
  2. Dos and Don'ts for a Technical Interview
  3. Web Developer Resume that will Get You Hired


What are the top skills tech companies look for in job candidates?

Candidates with a balance of technical and soft abilities are sought after by tech organisations. These include knowledge of data structures and algorithms, aptitude for addressing issues, command of a programming language, self-assurance, and strong communication ability.

How can I improve my adaptability and learning agility in the tech industry?

Keep up with the most recent technological developments, enrol in online courses and workshops, engage in side projects, and emphasise continual learning in interviews to improve your flexibility and learning agility. Showcase your capacity for development and problem-solving to demonstrate your versatility.